
Looking for a sweet, nature-based story for preschool or kindergarten? This Purple Day audio from Storytime in the Schoolhouse includes a spring circle time and a gentle story to enjoy with young children. Listen with your child, and you’ll soon be singing springtime songs and retelling the story of...

Listen to this Purple Day audio and enjoy a story about a little wild wind who learns the importance of balancing calm and quiet with loud and wild.
Stories are helpful ways to approach challenging subjects with our children, including their behavior. This pedagogical tale is about a little wild ...

Celebrating the Change of Seasons with Young Children
How can we celebrate the change of seasons with young children? Every year, spring’s arrival feels a bit like magic, and I always want to recognize it with the children in my care. Storytelling is one of the main ways I mark the passage of the s...

I love to recognize the shifting seasons through storytelling, especially in early childhood. There is magic in the first sign of spring or the first sign of autumn. Through storytelling, we can open children’s eyes to the magic of nature around them.Â
The story “Goodbye, Winter, Goodbye” from our ...

Are you the parent of a preschooler who often uses their hands to push, hit, or grab? First, take a deep breath and know this is completely normal behavior for young children! Second, did you know using stories can help address more challenging behaviors like this? It’s true! Pedagogical, or teachin...

Storytelling is a fantastic way to talk to young children about things like upcoming transitions, behavioral challenges, or household expectations. I love using a story's creativity and imaginative qualities to teach preschool and kindergarten-aged children about the importance of keeping their room...

Do you want your child to be connected with the natural world? Or… Are you looking for Waldorf-inspired songs and stories for preschoolers and kindergarteners for winter? Whether you’re interested in one or both of those, you’re in the right place!Â
In this post, you will learn about using songs an...
Welcome Spring
Spring is coming, spring is coming.
Birdies build your nest.
Weave together straw and feather,
doing each your best.
Friends, spring is just around the corner. Can you feel it?
In celebration of warmer weather, we at Little Round Schoolhouse wanted to share a FREE ...