
The Mitten | A wintertime puppet show for early childhood stories & storytelling storytime in the schoolhouse

In this video from Storytime in the Schoolhouse, I share a simple puppet show based on the folk tale The Mitten. Curl up with your preschooler and enjoy this silly story from Miss Becca!

Story: The Mitten

In this folk tale, an old man drops his mitten while hiking in the woods, leaving it on the...

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Using the Waldorf-Inspired Colors of the Day to Add Rhythm rhythm supporting simplicity parenting

One of the first things new Storytime members notice is that I refer to the days of the week as colors.

“On Yellow Day, we have Storytime outside.”
“On Red Day, we learn a new craft together.”
“We have puppet shows on Orange and Green Days.”

One of my favorite...

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The Flowered Kimono | A healing story about finding hope after a flood

In this video, I share a healing story about flooding for older children and adults. Healing stories connect us during difficult times, normalize difficult emotions, and help us talk about our grief.

“It is easy to forget how mysterious and mighty stories are. They do their work in...

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The Sparkling River | A healing story for young children about a flood

In this video, I share a healing story about a small town on a river that experiences a devastating flood. This story helps young children and their families process loss, grief, and confusing emotions.

Navigating the aftermath of a natural disaster is confusing for everyone, especially our...

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Dyeing silk with goldenrod craft project


I watch the goldenrod every year to know when school is about to begin. The first days of school come around the same the goldenrod starts displaying its bright yellow flowers.

During the days of my children’s garden program, one of our first craft projects was dyeing silk capes with...

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Creating Rhythm // How to Start supporting simplicity parenting

The typical way we learn to create rhythm doesn’t work for most people. I have a different way of creating rhythm–one small “beat” at a time.
Watch the video on my blog and learn how to create a rhythm that works for your family (and actually sticks).



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What is Rhythm? Busting common misconceptions supporting simplicity parenting

We hear a lot about rhythm in early childhood circles, yet it remains elusive for many people. Often, we find a suggested rhythm chart and assume we are supposed to wake up one Monday morning and attempt to follow it morning to night all week. Have you tried this? It’s exhausting and...

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A Possum Who Didn’t Like Anything New / A story about trying new things
A Possum Who Didn’t Like Anything New / A story about trying new things stories & storytelling storytime in the schoolhouse

Your anxious young child will gain the confidence to try new things after listening to this teaching tale about a little possum who doesn’t like anything new.

Some children have a hard time leaving their parents’ side to try new things, explore new places, or meet new people. One of...

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