Rectangular image with a light blue background, a light pink circle in the upper-left corner of the image, and a circular picture in the lower right-hand corner. The picture is of a felted woman with dark skin and dark hair with a white mouse in her lap.  In the middle of the rectangular images are the words “Storytime in the Woods, The Old Woman & The Mouse”.

Storytime in the Woods: The Old Woman & the Mouse

stories & storytelling storytime in the woods

Enjoy a moment of calm and connection with your child as you cozy up for an episode of Storytime in the Woods with Ms. Becca.

This Week's Story: The Old Woman & the Mouse

In this week's story, a mouse visits an old woman who is knitting a sweater for her husband. The mouse returns again and again, wondering what will happen with the old clothes when they are replaced with new ones.

The Old Woman sat in a rocking chair knitting. As she knit, she sang a song:

“Knit and purl, I’ll knit and purl.
Knit and purl, I’ll knit and purl.”

Watch the full episode in the video player above or on our YouTube page. Then, check out the rest on our website

Other Resources for Early Childhood & Preschool

You’ll also love our signature program, Storytime in the Schoolhouse. This program includes daily videos with circle times, puppet shows, and seasonal, nature-based craft projects.

Request our Storytime Seasonal Sampler, and you'll get a week of Storytime videos from each season. It’s free; no credit card or trial is required. Just give me your email, and I’ll send them your way!

Are you interested in learning more nature-based songs, stories, and craft projects?

Check out our free Storytime Seasonal Sampler, which includes a full week of Storytime videos for each season, giving you new songs and stories to enjoy all year.

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a link to four weeks of stories! No credit card is required.

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