The Week on Purple Day: The Noisy Gnomes
Purple Day is a podcast from Storytime in the Schoolhouse. Our Purple Day podcasts are the audio from Storytime’s Monday episodes. Purple Day is a podcast program for preschoolers and young children and includes a weekly rhythm of nature-based songs and stories. Purple Day will teach you and your child seasonal songs and stories as well as mindful breathing exercises to share with your young child or preschooler.
This Week on Purple Day
Every Purple Day, or Monday, we are inside the schoolhouse for circle time and storytime.
During circle time we learn seasonal songs and poems together. This week, we learn new lines and words to our poems, making our circle time a little bit longer than last week. We also practice a mindful breathing exercise.
Who is this I hear deep down in the earth
Hacking and cracking the rocks and the stones?
Behold, the gnomes inside the hill. Their tiny hammers are never still.
All day long they go, clinging clanging banging so!
Listen to Purple Day Episode 18: Noisy Gnomes
After circle time, we hear a story together. The second week of each month we hear a pedagogical tale, or a teaching tale. These are stories that address an upcoming change, difficult event, or challenging behavior. This pedagogical tale is about three gnome brothers who live and work together inside a mountain. Two of the brothers work with hammers and picks, digging for gems and crystals. They are named Rickety-Tickety Gnome and Clickety-Clackety Gnome and together they make a lot of noise!
The job of the third gnome, Rub-a-dub Gnome, is to polish the gems and crystals. He prefers things to be quiet and doesn’t like all the noise and commotion his brothers make.
Listen to Purple Day Episode 18: Noisy Gnomes
Purple Day is a podcast from Storytime in the Schoolhouse. Our Purple Day podcast episodes are the audio from our Monday videos. Storytime Members have access to five videos each week along with corresponding activities and curriculum. On Tuesday of this week, Storytime members go on a craft visit with Ms. Rae, our handwork teacher, and learn how to hand sew their very own gnome hat. On Wednesday, we are outside for Storytime and then go on a field trip to visit a rock shop and learn about gems, crystals, and other stones.
Listen to Purple Day Episode 18: Noisy Gnomes
Please note: Storytime is written and recorded for the screen. Some elements of Storytime will transfer better than others.
Are you interested in learning more nature-based songs, stories, and craft projects?
Check out our free Storytime Seasonal Sampler, which includes a full week of Storytime videos for each season, giving you new songs and stories to enjoy all year.
Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a link to four weeks of stories! No credit card is required.
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