This Week on Purple Day: A House for the Sun’s Spark

Purple Day is a podcast from Storytime in the Schoolhouse. Our Purple Day podcasts are the audio from Storytime’s Monday episodes. Please note: Storytime is written and recorded for the screen. Some elements of Storytime will transfer better than others.


In this week's episode of Purple Day, we will In this week's episode of Purple Day, we will sing songs about pumpkins and lanterns and then hear a story about a little girl who makes a lantern to hold a spark of the sun through the long days of winter. This Storytime episode will teach you and your child seasonal songs, poems, and fingerplays as well as a nature-based story. Enjoy Storytime with your child and deepen your connection to each other and the world around you.

Click here to listen to Purple Day episode 10: A House for the Sun’s Spark

Every Purple Day, or Monday, we are inside the schoolhouse for circle time and storytime. 

During circle time, we learn seasonal songs and poems together. This week, we learn new lines and words to our poems, making our circle time slightly longer than last week. We also practice a mindful breathing exercise. This month, we are learning Whale Breathing.

After circle time, we hear a story together. This week, we hear a lantern walk story inspired by an original tale by Suzanne Down. Learn more about Suzanne and purchase her storybooks at:

A little girl notices the shortening days and wonders how she will enjoy the colder, darker days ahead. 

Father Sun comes out from behind the clouds to let the girl know that she must tend to her spark within during the colder and darker days. The little girl doesn’t think she will remember when darkness surrounds her.

Father Sun tells her he will share one of his sparks with her if she will build a safe house for it. This spark can remind her to tend her light during the dark months ahead.

The little girl works hard to create a beautiful lantern. She presents it to Father Sun, who gives her a spark to tend all winter.

Click here to listen to Purple Day episode 10: A House for the Sun’s Spark

Purple Day is a podcast from Storytime in the Schoolhouse. Our Purple Day podcast episodes are the audio from our Monday videos. Storytime members can easily create a rhythm of songs, stories, and creative projects by accessing our complete program of Storytime episodes, curriculum, and resources. Registration opens twice a year. Click here to be the first to know when doors open again.

Are you interested in learning more nature-based songs, stories, and craft projects?

Check out our free Storytime Seasonal Sampler, which includes a full week of Storytime videos for each season, giving you new songs and stories to enjoy all year.

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a link to four weeks of stories! No credit card is required.

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