Creating Rhythm // How to Start

supporting simplicity parenting

The typical way we learn to create rhythm doesn’t work for most people. I have a different way of creating rhythm–one small “beat” at a time.
Watch the video on my blog and learn how to create a rhythm that works for your family (and actually sticks).



Most of us learn about the importance and benefit of rhythm in parenting classes or early childhood circles. Then, we look for more information and typically find a weekly or daily rhythm chart online or as part of an early childhood curriculum.

We see these lovely rhythm charts and assume we are supposed to implement the whole thing at once. We wake up one Monday morning and try to follow a new rhythm from morning until night all week. Or, we go even further and write our own rhythm from scratch and then wake up one morning and implement it.

Unfortunately, creating and implementing a rhythm from scratch doesn’t usually work. My guess is that if you’ve tried this way, it didn’t last. I know I’ve been there! Here’s the thing: it’s not you. You are not lazy or incapable. You’re simply trying to do too much at once.
Brain science has shown us that humans struggle to create this many changes at once. Implementing an entirely new rhythm includes at least a dozen changes simultaneously. Humans can’t implement and stick with that amount of change. It would take a LOT of effort, enough to be unsustainable.



My approach to creating rhythm is the opposite of what is typically done. Instead of starting with an entirely new rhythm that orchestrates every day, you start with one thing: one new beat of rhythm.
This lays the foundation. Once that change is a habit, you can grow your rhythm from there.

Four Steps:

  1. Create a new “beat” of rhythm.
  2. Implement the new beat of rhythm.
  3. Maintain the new beat.
  4. Grow your rhythm (create another new “beat”).

Instead of biting off a whole new rhythm to implement, this parts-to-whole method has several benefits:

  • It’s easier! When you have just one change to create, implement, and maintain, you are much less likely to be overwhelmed or burnout and more likely to succeed.
  • It’s faster. You can create change faster. Starting with just one change allows you to move into implementation immediately and not get stuck creating multiple changes simultaneously.
  • It sticks. Your change will “stick” much more quickly, and you’re much more likely to successfully maintain one change at a time.
  • It’s unique to you. You will build a rhythm that is as unique as your family. You don’t have to fit into someone else’s predetermined rhythm; you get to create one that best supports your family.

It’s important I pause here to add this: your end goal is not to have a well-orchestrated rhythm for every moment of the day. For most of us, this simply isn’t possible.

The goal is to have 3-4 consistent beats in your day or week, creating one beat at a time. This creates a foundation you can return to no matter what life throws your way.


This method of creating rhythm is much easier and much more likely to stick. 

Toss out that pretty Pinterest rhythm chart, decide what time of day needs more rhythm, and create a beat of rhythm for that time of day.

Then, repeat, repeat, repeat until it is a habit.

Then (and only then) add another beat and grow!

👉🏼 Watch the video above to hear more about how to get started creating a rhythm that works for your family.

Lastly, I don't know about you, but I can always use a little support and hand-holding when making big changes in my life. I created the Rhythm Workshop to walk you step-by-step through creating, implementing, and maintaining a new rhythm–one that works for your family (and actually sticks!). Join me in the Rhythm Workshop, and you’ll have all the resources you need to create lasting positive change through rhythm.

Create a rhythm for your family that actually works (and sticks).

 Our Rhythm Workshop will soon be live! Get on the waitlist and be among the first to know when registration is open!

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