Grandpa Ivy & the Apple Tree

The Purple Day Podcast is the audio from our Monday episodes of Storytime in the Schoolhouse. Please note: Storytime is written and recorded for the screen. Some elements of Storytime will transfer better than others. 

Every Purple Day, or Monday, we are inside the Schoolhouse for circle time and storytime. 

We enjoy singing and reciting nature-based, seasonal songs and poems during circle time. We start a new circle time at the beginning of the month, slowly learning the songs and poems together throughout the month. We also practice a deep breathing exercise on Mondays. 

After circle time, we listen to a story together. Ms. Becca tells us a Grandpa Ivy story the first week of each month. This week, we hear the story of Grandpa Ivy & the Apple Tree. Grandpa Ivy walks to the apple orchard to see Mother Apple Tree and harvest the first ripe apples of the season. He fills his basket with just enough apples for himself, leaving plenty on the tree for others. Then, on the way home, he sees several friends and shares his apples with them.

✨Interested in more songs and stories?✨

Check out our Storytime Sampler, which includes a whole week of Storytime for each season, giving you new songs and stories to enjoy all year.
👇🏼Click on the link below for four free weeks of Storytime.👇🏼

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